Final Destination is here AGAIN
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
2:38 AM
By Sidewinder
Attention:There's someone by the name of Muhammad Hasrul, has met up with an accident. With a msia bike. MAT REMPIT JATUH MOTOR, MALU!
Pakcik & all the PakcikS, please ride safely on the road at all times. I dont want banana fruit 2 times.
Haiqal has just repaired his bike, now in good condition already.
As for Hasrul, sorry to say.. your tailboard this time round tak SELAMAT.
Just a few bruises, he's gonna live. DONT WORRY!
Thats all & Taking Caring.
Muhammad Hamizan signin off.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
2:04 PM
By Sidewinder
Alrite folks,Here to update specially for Muhammad Haiqal Bin Ambari, One of the our Brother of 619!! He met with an accident yesterday and "Scrap Dagu" but he is fine.
Now at home resting in one piece. Minor bruises and please don corner like Rossi anymore. Only the night before you accident I saw this 125Z almost accident outside Gek Poh Shopping Mall after I came back from work. Scrap main-stand and skidded. Luckily he kick up back! He wobbling like hell already. Slamat tkya jadi witness. HAHA!!
Alright berosssss!!, stay at home for the mean time. Your bike other days can settle. Right now is also raining, so I suggest don't go out for the mean while.
Till here only I guess,
Hasrul Ketam AKA CrabMartel
!!!!!Trip Updated!!!!!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
4:56 PM
By Sidewinder
Kunichiwa Everyone,Well, here to update about the next Sidewinder Event.
Our Next Event will be fishing by the sea "again" as per normal. Alright, here are the informations that you all will need:
Date/Day: 31st March till 1 April 2010 (Wednesday to Thursday)
Venue: East Coast Parkway
Meeting Time/Venue: 1400 hrs @ 619
Transportation Wise: Bike
Also, for this trip, Hasan and Myself have planned that all of us would need to contribute $10 per pax. This is to buy food and a couple of fishing equipments.
Thus gengs, make yourselves free and available during this period of time. It will be directly three weeks from now. So, planned your offs, meeting with girlfriend must be cancel or postponed or those people who got race, especially "Rossi", please cancel all press conferences.
Any questions, please do contact Hasan or Myself. Hopefully we will be able to answer your questions.
Thank you,
Hasrul Ketam AKA CrabMartel,
"Tk puas, Kiter Race!!!"
Monday, March 8, 2010
8:07 PM
By Sidewinder
Helo hello helllo rakan2 ku sekalian,Hari Ini, Saya ingin memberi tahu sekalian smue bahawa, mulai esok, lepasnya pukol 5, Hasan dan Saya sudah tamat persekolahan kami dan Saya ingin mengadakan suatu perlancongan ke Gelang Patah, rumah Bapak Hamizan, untuk bapak-bapak sekalian, bermandi-manda, makan-makan dan banyak lagi, pada akhir bulan ini atau permulaan bulan hadapan. Saya ingin Bapak-bapak sekalian untuk menyediakan passport, baju-baju untok "enjoy" dan apa-apalah lagi yang sewaktu dengannya.
Kepada bapak-bapak yang ingin membawa ibu-ibu sekalian, itu, saya tidak pasti. Tolong tanyalah sponsor saya, iaitu, Bapak Hamizan, yang akan memberi kata putus terhahadap perlancongan ini. Saya berharap bahawa bapak-bapak sekalian boleh menghadari upacara yang susah datang ini. Saya amat berharap sekali untok bapak Nasrun untok turon perlancongan ini.
Kepada ibu-ibu yang ingin mengikut dalam perlancongan ini, saya memaafin jikalau tidak boleh kerana, "Jikalau disabit kesalahan, bapaknya boleh dirotan sebanyak 4 kali, atau pun, dikenakan probation selama 10 bulan atau pun kedua-duanya" HAHAHA!!
Alrite folks, I update more soon about this plans,
Yours truly,
Hasrul Ketam AKA CrabMartel