It is a crab or it is just hair or it is hasrul turning 20 and Rock Band the game
Sunday, May 30, 2010
12:15 AM
By Sidewinder
Ok back to the topic, as the advisor of Team SW 619, i will like to wish Muhammad Hasrul a 20th birthday and semoga dapat jodoh yang sesuai apa bila masa akan datang nanti, murah reseki dan panjang umur hingga ke anak cucu. Let see photos of hasrul in below 20.
Hasrul with his legend cap when secondary school
Hasrul still with his legend cap.
Sabri, Viven and hasrul in NCDCC
Dont Disturb Hasrul with no cap when he is on the guitar
Rock never die when hasrul with helmet on the bike.
Hasrul playing with his friends
Advance Hasrul Birthday Outing 22 /05/10
It starts off with haiqal feeling shy
Then i sing..
Then my hand start to sing
Hasrul already in his drumland
Then the "guru" steps in
Then hasrul starts taking picture alone
Hasrul heavy metal mode
Hasrul with haiqal who focusing on the game
Hasrul with hasan who is singing to the game
Then Sabri starts to do the same
Sabri with hasan who again focus on the game
Hasrul starts to sing and we keep losing.
Haiqal with his ***** sticking out
Who is controlling the drum hamizan or his mole?
Hasrul in the spotlight but who is singing hamizan or his mole?
The 'H' Band
Then we go to Popeye (Chicken & Biscuit, No Spinach) to eat chili sos & drink only
because all the food is for hasrul the birthday man
The mood brothers( Happy, Normal , Sad)
Hasan kena F*** by khai but seriously
Photo taken by an Italian Paparazzi on the man of the moment, Hasrul.
Hasrul on the spotlight while haiqal keep it cool.
Hamizan in weird position
Ayam is lost
Smoking time for these who cannot tahan to smoke
Everyone is happy except haiqal who is talking to his brother.
Bling, bling
Ok, That all folks and a happy 20th Birthday or Crabday to hasrul.
Saturday,22 hari bulan Mei dua ribu sepuluh
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
8:46 PM
By Sidewinder
Sahabat sahabat ku sekalian,Pada tahun 22 Mei 2010,kita akan mengadakan sesi permainan Rock band(Bukan jamming eh,its a game) di Bussorah Lane.Selepas itu,kita akan bermakan2 di kedai makan daerah Haji lane.
Kat situ ada tempat makan power. FOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
Dan tidak lupa, the budget will be $20 each for 22nd may.
Sesiapa ada masalah dgn issue wang,tolong hubungi tai long dan pinjam $20 dari mereka.
Kalau tak,call aku, the Kental man.
Okok,kalau ada apa2 soalan tentang 22nd may,msn aku atau sms aku atau Hasan atau Hasrul.
Harap Semua Dapat Hadir pada 22nd May.
Ok settle
Labels: 22nd may