Wednesday, August 11, 2010
12:44 AM
By Sidewinder
Hey Sidewinder Crew!!Here's the latest plan for this coming 21st August 2010. We will be breaking fast together-gether and hopefully everyone will be present, including your girlfriends' (TO HASAN ONLY). Especially Shahidah yang telah "PAITAO" us the last outing.
Alright then, here's the layout:
Venue: Block 619, Jurong West Street 65 (Loading and Unloading Area, Mak bapak kiter ade share per..)
Time: 6 p.m. (1800hrs) sharp
Heading to: Still undecided. Okay lets vote(Tag inside tagboard): Pizza Hut/Sakura/Seoul Garden.
Attire: Personal Preference. Asalkan Handsome/Sachok/Lawa/dan ape-ape luhk yang sewaktu dengannye.
I will update the final plan as soon as you makels' give your votes! I will be making reservation for that day. To those who are bringing girlfriend "suddenly", please update me. =) Thanks alright.
Any questions regarding this matter, please call/text/msn me, Hasrul or you can also contact Hasan for your enquires. =)
Thanks again..
Hasrul Ketam AKA CrabMartel!